Governance Structure


Appointed by the RCDOW:

Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Michael Dunne
Paolo Camoletto
Peter Sweeney

Trust Board

There are 8 Foundation Trustees who are appointed by the RCDOW to ensure the correct balance and mix of necessary skills are represented on the Trust Board:

Michael Metcalf (Chair) 
Howard Hughes (Vice Chair, Chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Committee)
Alan Fernandes                                                                                                                            Catherine Munro (Chair of HR Committee) 
Fr Nigel Griffin
Peter Manns
Shelagh Keogh                                                                                                                                Clare Webber


 Executive Team

Catholic Executive Officer (CEO) - Richard Burke

Chief Financial Officer  (CFO) - Anna Fisher

 Local Governing Bodies (LGB)

Please see individual school websites for further information on Local Governing Bodies within each school.

Governance Documentation

ACAT Governance Information 2023-24

ACAT Register of Business Interests - February 2024

ACAT Salary Bandings 2023-24